SMS messages are being charged per sent message only!



Messages are being sent from a shared, short number /example: 0000/, which means, that from the specific number, users will receive messages from companies other than yours, too.

alphanumeric number

According to your company`s specific needs, you can start your own - alphanumeric number /example: IROCK or 0123 , which will be personal for the specific company. It can contain up to 11 characters. /Latin and/or numbers/. The name you choose will be checked for availability with mobile operators.


types messages

  • Standart /text/ messages

    The length of a single message is up to 160 characters in Latin or 70 characters in Cyrillic. For your most convenience, we have added the options: "Transliteration", which converts Cyrilic characters to Latin, to protect you from additional charges. "Multipart SMS", which makes it possible to send larger that the possible characters messages, displaying it on most of the mobile devices as a single message. Convenient, fast and secure way to remind customers about:
    • - order status
    • - order confirmation
    • - event reminder
    • - contract renewal
    which helps in loss reduction.
  • Promo messages

    The length of a single message is up to 160 characters in Latin or 70 characters in Cyrillic. For your most convenience, we have added the options: "Transliteration", which converts Cyrilic characters to Latin, to protect you from additional charges. "Multipart SMS", which makes it possible to send larger that the possible characters messages, displaying it on most of the mobile devices as a single message. Most often used as a tool in the marketing plan of the business, for reaching new customers and generating additional profit.
    • - hot offers
    • - discount coupons
    • - new products
    • - upcoming sales

Why to choose Connectix?

With Connectix You reduce your costs
By reducing the number of unclaimed shipments, You save on courier fees. According to our customers, the drop in unclaimed shipments is approximately 70% *.


At 100 pcs. unclaimed shipments before using Connectix.
100 x 8 ** = BGN 800.
At 30 pcs. unclaimed after using Connectix.
30 x 8 ** = BGN 240

Difference before and after using Connectix
800 - 240 = BGN 560!

** The price is at an average value of BGN 4 for one-way delivery.

* This data is provided voluntarily by our customers in order to better understanding the activity of messages sent through Connectix. The results of each company are strictly individual and are influenced by a number of factors such as industry, customers, number of messages, general condition of the company and et.

You increase the productivity of your business
With automatic order confirmation, you reduce the stress on your employees and increase the simultaneous processing of many orders.
Your employees are free to package or serve other customers and do not waste time in telephone calls to confirm orders.
According to our customers, automatic order confirmation is used for over 80% *

* This data is provided voluntarily by our customers in order to better understanding the activity of messages sent through Connectix. The results of each company are strictly individual and are influenced by a number of factors such as industry, customers, number of messages, general condition of the company and et.

You increase your income
With individual vouchers you reach new markets and increase your income. According to our customers, they have increased customer satisfaction and gained regular customers, who have brought them over 15%* increase in turnover.

* This data is provided voluntarily by our customers in order to better understanding the activity of messages sent through Connectix. The results of each company are strictly individual and are influenced by a number of factors such as industry, customers, number of messages, general condition of the company and et.